About Myself

Dr Hannah Clark is an experienced comprehensive ophthalmologist with a subspecialty interest in cataract surgery and medical retina conditions. She completed her ophthalmology training in Melbourne and Perth before heading to the United Kingdom to pursue further subspecialty training in medical retina and cataract surgery at the Birmingham Midland Eye Centre and the world-renowned Moorfield’s Eye Hospital in London. She holds a Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO).

Dr Clark has a special interest in the management of medical retina conditions, including diabetic eye disease, retinal vein occlusion and age-related macula degeneration.

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She is also a highly experienced ophthalmic surgeon specialising in cataract surgery and pterygium excision. As a clinician, Dr Clark aims to understand patients’ problems and concerns and provides up-to-date care tailored to each individual’s needs.

Dr Clark has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at national and international conferences. She has also been awarded several prestigious research grants.

Dr Clark performs surgery for private patients at Perth Eye Hospital in West Perth. She is an HBF-preferred provider and charges No Gap for surgery on these patients. She also has a public appointment at Fremantle Hospital.



  • Yazar S, Hewitt AW, Forward H et al. “Early Anesthesia Exposure and the Effect on Visual Acuity, Refractive Error, and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness of Young Adults.” J Pediatr. 2016
  • Springelkamp H, Mishra A, Hysi PG et al. “Meta-analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifies Novel Loci Associated With Optic Disc Morphology.” Genet Epidemiol 2015
  • McKnight CM, Sherwin JC, Yazar S, Forward H et al. “Pterygium and conjunctival ultraviolet autofluorescence in young Australian adults: the Raine study.” Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2015
  • Forward H, Yazar S, Hewitt AW. “Multiple prenatal ultrasound scans and ocular development: 20-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.” Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2014
  • McKnight CM, Sherwin JC, Yazar S, Forward H et al. “Myopia in young adults is inversely related to an objective marker of ocular sun exposure: the Western Australian Raine cohort study.” Am J Ophthalmol. 2014
  • Wang BZ, Forward H, Farber L et al. “Surgical blues: vitreous staining with trypan blue during cataract surgery”. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014
  • Yazar S, Hewitt AW, Forward H et al. “Comparison of monochromatic aberrations in young adults with different visual acuity and refractive errors.” J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014
  • Guggenheim JA, McMahon G, Northstone K et al. “Birth order and myopia.” Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013
  • Cheng CY, Schache M, Ikram MK, et al. “Nine loci for ocular axial length identified through genome-wide association studies, including shared loci with refractive error.” Am J Hum Genet. 2013
  • Yazar S, Forward H, McKnight CM et al. Raine eye health study: design, methodology and baseline prevalence of ophthalmic disease in a birth-cohort study of young adults. Ophthalmic Genetics. 2013
  • Forward H, Hewitt A, Mackey D. “Missing X and Y a review of participant ages in population eye studies.” Clinical Exp Ophthalmol 2012
  • Forward H, Zheng GC, Cole CH. “25 years of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in Western Australia.  How do we compare?” MJA, 2010: 193(10): 585-589

Dr Hannah Clark

  • Ophthalmic Surgeon